
Structure Query Language (SQL) in DBMS

➺ The SQL name was SEQUEL later changed to SQL(Structure Query Language).
➺ SEQUEL is a short form of Simple English Query Language.
➺ It was developed by IBM(Dr. EF Codd) in 1970.
➺ SQL refers to Structure Query Language.
➺ SQL is a domain-specific language that works with only RDBMS.
➺ My SQL table name size is 64 characters.
➺ It is a Non-Procedural query language.

SQL commands

➺ A dbms allows user to organize, process and retrieve data from database.

There are 5 types of SQL commands:-

1. Data Definition Language (DDL)
2. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
3. Data Control Language (DCL)
4. Transaction Control Language (TCL)
5. Constraints.

Data Definition Language (DDL)

➺ It defines structure of database. It describes definition of each data elements of database.
➺ Using DDL commands we can perform tasks related to data definition such as create, alter and drop schema object, grant and revoke privileges etc.
➺ For example:- Creating field name, field length, field type, etc.


➺ Using create commands we can create a database.
> create database aakash;
> use aakash;
> show database;


➺Using alter table command we can change a table such as add a column, delete a column, or modify a column.
  Add new column :
    > alter table aakash
      add city char(20);
  Change column name :
    > alter table aakash;
     change name studentname char(20);
  Modify column (datatype):
    > alter table aakash;
     modify city char(40);
  Delete Column:
    > alter table aakash;
     drop city char(40);


➺ It deletes the data inside a table but not the table itself. it only deletes data from the table not the structure of the table.
> truncate table aakash;


➺Using the Drop command we can drop or delete a specific table from the database.
> drop table aakash;

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

➺ Using DML commands are used to manipulate data of database.
➺ Using this commands, we can insert, delete, and update, data in a table.
➺ It allows to perform tasks related to data manipulation such as retrieve, insert, select, delete and modification of data stored in a database.


➺ Using select query we can show a record from specified the table.

* : Using * (stick) sign to show all fields from specifying table.

ex:-   > select * from aakash where id = 1;
         > select id, name from aakash
          where name ='akki';


➺ Using this command we can insert a new record to the table.

ex:-   > insert into tablename values
         > insert into aakash values


➺ Using this command we can modify record data in a table.

ex:-    > update aakash
          set name = 'akki'
          where name = 'modi';


➺ Using this command we can delete a record in the table.

ex:-  > delete from akki
          where id =1;

Data Control Language (DCL)

➺ DCL commands allows to give right and permission to the user. Using this commands we can perform operation such as grant and revoke rights in a database.
➺ DCL commands includes :- Grant, Revoke.


➺ It grants permission to the user by giving access right in a database such as select, execute, all, etc.

Syntax :- Grant < privilege list > ON < relation, view > TO < user, role, public >.

Note: Privilege list -> select, insert, update, delete, all, execute.

ex:- > grant select ON bank To aakash;
       > grant insert ON akki To aakash;


➺ Removing access rights of the user in the database.

Syntax :- Revoke ON < relation, view >TO< user, role, public >.

ex:- > revoke select ON bank To aakash;
       > revoke insert ON akki To aakash;

Transaction Control Language (TCL)

➺ This commands allow you to manage and control the transaction (a transaction is one complete unit of work involving many steps).
➺ For ex:- making changes to databases permanently, creating savepoints, undoing changes to database permanently, setting properties for current transaction.


➺ Using the commit command all changes made are permanent.

ex:- > select * from aakash;
          5 record show
         > delete from aakash
          where id = 2;

          > commit ;
          > select * from aakash;
         4 record show

➺ By default My SQL has autocommit.

Note:- After deleting one record we used commit so after that change made in database in permanent.


➺ It use as undo. using this command we can revert all last transaction after last commit.

      > select * from aakash;
      8 record shows
      > delete from aakash
      where id = 1;

      > delete from aakash
      where name = 'akki';

      > select * from aakash;
      6 record shows

      > rollback;


➺ In, we create a point. using savepoint can rollback selected transaction to the point.

      > update bank
      set amt = amt + 500;

      > select * friom aakash;

      > savepoint A;

      > Delete from bank
      where id = 2;

      > select * from bank

      > savepoint B;

      > delete from bank
      where id = 3;

      > select * from bank;

      > rollback to savepoint


➺ Sql Constraints is a condition or check applicable on field / set of fields.

Primary key

➺ It refers to a set of one or more attributes that can uniquely identified the tuples (rows) within the relation.
➺ Primary key is uesd to check fields to not make duplicate entry.

➺ ex:   > create table info
             ( id integer primary key,
             Name char(20),
             amt integer,
             city char(20));

Foreign key (Reference key)

➺ A non-key attribute, whose values are derived from primary key of another table is known as foreign key.
➺ In RDBMS, we are creating relationship between two different tables using reference creating relationships as per specify fields.

Foreign key in dbms

ex:     > create table customer
            ( cid integer primary key,
             Name char(20) not null,
             city char(20) default 'abu',
             ctype char(20));

            > create table order
             ( ono integer primary key,
             odate date,
             cid integer reference customer(cid),
             amt integer check amt > 5000);


➺ Using check, we can check is specify values as per condition is true or not.

ex:-     > create table info
             ( Sid integer,
             name char(20),
             Amt integer check(amt > 500));


➺ The Unique is used to check all values is available in particular column or not and two rows cannot hold same values.

ex:-     > create table info
             ( Sid integer unique,
             Fname char(20),
             Sname char(20));


➺ The default provides a default values to the columns when insert into statement.
➺ If we not add values to columns then default values will taken automatically in particular column.

ex:-     > create table info
             ( id integer,
             Name char(20),
             Score default 80);

Not Null

➺ In Sql, By default a column called NULL. Not Null can be use with int, char, and where etc.
➺ If any column given Not null then colummn will not empty(null) must contains vlaues in column.

ex:-     > create table info
             ( id integer not null,
             Name char(20) not null);


➺ By default, My Sql provides null value. It refer to no value in coulmn of table.

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